Alone we can do so little
together we can do so much
Funded by:
Project Management
We at BEGER DESIGN are specialize in design for medical technology in operating theatres and clinics.
Chair of Medical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.
SurgiTAIX AG is an OEM manufacturer in the medical technology sector and has been researching networked medical technology since 2005. With sdcX, SurgiTAIX offers the first commercial, quality-assured SDC library worldwide.
For more than 60 years, steute Technologies has been developing complex switchgear and sensors for industrial applications. Our versatility and high quality have also enabled us to become a trusted partner for device manufacturers across the medical field.
IT4process GmbH was established as a spin-off of the renowned RWTH Aachen University. Our team of experts has spent over ten years with the analysis and optimization of processes in hospitals and other enterprises with complex workflow processes, as well as with the support of these processes with software solutions.
RIWOlink provides all services required for a successful implementation of digitization projects for the operating room. The focus is on surgical workflow and process support as well as AI-based image/video analysis and processing.
ERNW Research is an independent IT Security service provider based in Heidelberg, Germany. Since its founding in 2015, the focus of ERNW Research has been on performing Research projects in all areas of IT security – publicly funded projects in cooperation with universities, customer projects, as well as internal research projects.
nextOR Planning is our AI-based solution for hospitals: A self-learning program that optimizes OR planning many times over.
Essen University Hospital is part of the Essen University Hospital Group. This includes 15 other subsidiaries, including Ruhrlandklinik, St. Josef Krankenhaus Werden, Herzchirurgie Huttrop and Westdeutsches Protonentherapiezentrum Essen.
We teach. We provide competent young professionals in medicine and nursing. We develop the medicine of tomorrow. Cooperation and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Funding Program